Pictured: Saint Bartholomew’s Church, Clyde Road.
There was no meeting for the representatives of the Dublin City Council’s South East Area for the month of August, as there was a break in the monthly sessions. However, there was a recent meeting for the representatives of the Council on September 12th, 2016.
Among such issues discussed were the ongoing enquiries made regarding the development plan made by developers of Dublin’s new incinerator, its effect on the area, and whether any damage may amount from the material used, on the environment of the Irishtown nature reserve. Also discussed were the ongoing issues of traffic restriction and redirection of routes to limit any congestion and improve road safety, the matters of flood development and the ongoing construction of the Dodder flood wall.
Councillor McCartan enquired into the function and operations of a communal smart-car for residents at a proposed development site at the junction between Appian Way and Upper Leeson Street. The councillor enquired into the matters of planning permission and whether information could be provided in relation to the communal smart-car. DCC replied saying that the smart-car space is proposed as part of the application and dedicated space that was indicated in the planning drawings and basement plan layout.
It is proposed the smart-car will be used by residents of the proposed apartment scheme. The smart-car will assist in the promotion of sustainable transportation objectives, to be used by residents for short journeys and trips to negate the idea of having to own a car.
Councillor McCartan also asked DCC whether there have been any changes made to the traffic sequences that affect the Merrion Road, Ballsbridge Junction and Shelbourne Road, considering the fact that there have been tailbacks coming from Anglesea Road onto the Merrion Road to take the right turn at the Shelbourne Road. DCC responded stating that no changes have been made to the signalling or sequencing at either junction involved. Both junctions are controlled by DCC’s Traffic Signal Management System (SCATS) which is an adaptive system that automatically adapts with regards to the traffic signals sequences for current demands. DCC will review the situation regarding the reported traffic congestion to optimise traffic signal sequencing at this location.
Councillor McCartan then asked the manager if the Covanta waste management company have a landscaping plan in place for the Poolbeg incinerator. The councillor enquired whether planning approval was conditional on the requirement of there being an architectural plan. The councillor also enquired as to how much of the project’s budget had been set aside for landscaping and at what stage will landscaping begin.
DCC responded that it was noted in the planning permission application that the development cannot be screened and it will undoubtedly be visible from many parts of the city. The design proposes a main building of architectural merit. The landmark building will utilise the latest technology in modern materials and will be amongst the most advanced buildings within it’s field. Planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanala in November 2007 and under it a detailed landscaping scheme for the site of the development, including Shellybanks Road are to be prepared by a qualified landscape architect.
The landscaping plan will be finalised following the completion of the site ground works which will determine the volume of material excavated to be reused on site. The plan of the site works will be available for public inspection in November 2016.
Councillor Dermot Lacey asked if DCC will arrange to have the footpaths at a location on Arranmore Road repaired as soon as possible. DCC responded saying that Road Maintenance have inspected the footpath in question and that these footpaths have been added to their works programme and will be carried out when a crew becomes available.
Councillor Frank Kennedy spoke about the unresolved issue of the bells at St. Bartholomew’s church on the Clyde Road. The bells have reportedly been ringing at night and have been the cause of much complaint. DCC have carried out extensive investigations over a prolonged period. The legal representatives of St. Bartholomew wrote to the council to state that they have approached a number of different clock companies, none of which satisfy the church authorities about the risks of long-term damage to the mechanism. A legal representative has advised that in the absence of technical expertise, DCC would find difficulties in obtaining a Court Order and it would have to be made to the local District Court. There are challenges related to the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 and to the church authorities’ responsibilities under the planning and development Act 2000 in respect of protected structures. DCC encourages the resolution of this matter by respective parties.
Councillor Kieran Binchy asked the Manager to set out what progress has been made on Chocolate Park in the Dockland’s area. DCC responded that the development of the Chocolate Park is tied to the progression of the development site. The developer has indicated that subject to market conditions, they hope to progress to construction on the site in the next six months. Part of the park is owned by DCC and part of it is owned by the developers themselves. It will require ground decontamination and underground construction, which will all take place in tandem with office and apartment development.
Cllr Binchy also asked for an update on the Dodder Flood Protection Works. DCC responded stating that after a number of setbacks, including poor wall conditions, flooding on the river and many other local issues, it is programmed to complete the section of Ballsbridge by the end of the year. The section running from Donnybrook to Smurfit Weirs is programmed to be completed by 2017. The areas including Anglesea Road, Somerset, Dunluce, Merrion Cricket Club, Hazeldene, Licensed Vintners and most of Anglesea Lane are to be completed this year.
Councillor Mannix Flynn asked the manager to issue a report with regard to what measures were being taken to reports and complaints of anti-social behaviour that were in and around the Cambridge Road in Ringsend. All complaints will be submitted and a full report will be issued, with an investigation to be carried out by the council.
Compiled by Robert Fullarton