DCC Notes for June / July 2021

Compiled by David Prendeville

Councillor Dermot Lacey put forward a motion, agreed, that requests a working group be established to review future use of the former School of Music building now vacated by the CDETB which could include cultural use such as artists’ studios, exhibition space, music celebration and much more and requests the Chief Executive to ensure that no proposal for a disposal of this building be brought to council prior to such a working group making a recommendation to the council.
Councillor Claire Byrne put forward a motion that the Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage confirming support for real time water quality monitoring and systematic sampling testing of 10 locations in Dublin Bay, 365 days of the year, for a period of at least 24 months. She also proposed support for the implementation of the continual operation of the Ultraviolet (UV) treatment facility in the Dublin Waste Water Treatment Facility in Ringsend throughout the year. She asks that these measures be actively pursued as means to improve water quality for marine life and to provide real time information for recreational users. This motion was agreed.
An Emergency Motion was put forward from Councillors Paddy McCartan, Dermot Lacey, James Geoghegan, that the South East Area Committee agrees to write to the National Transport Agency (NTA) in support of the Ballsbridge Traders’ concerns. These concerns are in relation to an NTA letter they received about possible significant changes to public spaces outside of their premises currently occupied for outdoor hospitality services, and also disabled parking. They seek a meeting with the NTA and a presentation prior to any suggested changes being made and any wider consultation being engaged in. This motion was agreed. 
Councillor Paddy McCartan asked the manager to respond to the issue raised by a constituent about whether it would be possible to engineer traffic calming measures at Herbert Green/Oaklands Park and Drive, Sandymount, citing children playing on the ground and cars turning off at speed on Serpentine Avenue. The manager responded saying that a request for traffic calming measures has been examined by the Area Engineer. 
Councillor Paddy McCartan asked the manager to have the bins located on the walkway adjacent to the Dodder and Aviva Stadium emptied on a regular basis. The manager affirmed that Waste Management Services will ensure that the above mentioned litter bins are emptiedon a regular basis.
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager if he can write to the NTA and BusConnects exploring whether all traffic lanes on Nutley Lane as currently proposed are absolutely necessary as per the latest iteration of the BusConnects proposal. The manager replied that as the BusConnects project is a National Transport Authority project, it is a matter with the NTA regarding the traffic analysis and the preferred route options. Thus, for this project questions should be directed to that authority. However, for the Environment Impact Assessment Report and the Traffic Impact Assessment Report, extensive analysis and traffic modelling have been carried out along with a comprehensive public consultation process undertaken in relation to the BusConnects proposals.

Councillor Claire O’Connor asked the manager to attend to lights on Beechwood Avenue being held together by tape, and that the avenue needs cleaning. The manager replied that a more precise location (pole number / house number) would assist in providing a more detailed answer, but he presumes that the query relates to the old concrete columns in the area of Beechwood Avenue. There are known issues with these columns, one of which is that small parts of concrete can become loose and fall, hence the use of the plastic wrap. These columns are on an upgrade works program that will address the issues with these concrete columns.
Several councillors raised the issue of excessive noise coming from Ringsend Park. The manager’s reply was that appropriate signage will be erected over the coming weeks. However, excessive noise levels late in the evening should be referred to the Gardaí.
Councillor Paddy McCartan asked the manager to address a constituent’s concerns surrounding gold ribbons having been placed around trees and street furniture on St Mary’s Road Ballsbridge, something which the constituent has heard is to alert residents to the fact that a cycle lane is to be constructed there. The manager’s reply was that Dublin City Council currently has no plans to construct a cycle lane on either St Mary’s Road or Northumberland Road. The nearest planned cycle lane is on Pembroke Road, which is proposed as part of the BusConnects UCD Ballsbridge to City Centre Core Bus Corridor.
Councillor Paddy McCartan raised the issue that there are three sets of pedestrian lights at the Sean Moore Road Beach Road junctions with no audio or vibrations to allow the visually impaired to cross safely. The manager’s reply was that a recommendation has been put forward that junction upgrade works be undertaken here that replace the older generation push button units and rectify the pedestrian audio tones such that all crossings are brought up to standard. Funding was made available from the NTA to undertake this work as part of the Strand Road cycle trial. The Strand Road Trial Cycle Scheme has now been delayed pending a Judicial Review and there is a High Court stay on undertaking any work connected with the trial.  
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager to look into locking the park gates of Mount Pleasant Square Park after 9pm and to fix the locks for Sandymount Green. The manager responded that they are currently seeking quotations to undertake repairs to a gate on Sandymount Green which Sandymount Tidy Towns raised with them at a recent meeting but are not aware of any issue with gate locks. There are some incidents of casual late night drinking in Mountpleasant Square Park, therefore gate opening facilitates Garda access to monitor the problem.
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager to follow up on the maintenance of the trees surrounding Ringsend Park. The manager replied that there is an ongoing programme of tree work which is undertaken both in Ringsend Park and on the roads adjacent to the park. If there is a tree at a particular location please advise, and necessary works will be undertaken, if required, following an inspection of the tree.
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager to clear the storm drains along Sandymount Avenue due to a blockage causing flooding. The manager replied that an inspection of the gullies on Sandymount Avenue took place on 8th July 2021 and all the gullies were cleaned by members of the Gully Cleaning Crew in the Surface Water & Flood Incident Management Division. No issues were noted.
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager to implement measures to tackle excessive dog fouling on the footpaths for the Ringsend Park area. The manager replied that Dublin City Council’s Animal Welfare Unit is currently in the process of working with Waste Management to provide additional signage in relation to owners cleaning up after their dogs. The Animal Welfare Unit will also patrol the area at intervals. They will ensure that the above mentioned area is included in the various measures to tackle the dog fouling issue there. Their litter warden will include this area as part of his regular patrol.
Councillor James Geoghegan asked the Manager to investigate illegal dumping on the laneway beside Bremen Road and to install a gate to prevent further dumping. The manager replied that while Dublin City Council have some social houses on this road, the majority are privately owned. Therefore, it is up to residents to come together and decide the best course of action for their community. Dublin City Council will look at the solutions and act accordingly.
Councillor Daniel Ceitinn asked the Manager if he has or will engage with the Ringsend/Irishtown Tidy Towns group regarding the installation of belly bins for Ringsend and Irishtown. The manager responded that Waste Management has installed two Big Belly Bins in Shelly Banks and the entrance to the nature reserve this year. Engagement with community groups and Tidy Towns has been ongoing with their area offices. Waste Management is aware of this request. 20 Big Belly Bins have been procured this year, with any future procurement, locations and suggestions from Tidy town group will be considered in line with needs.
Daniel Ceitinn asked the Manager if he had plans for the refurbishment, cleaning, or otherwise improving the playground in Ringsend Park. The manager’s reply was that the junior playground, which consists of play elements suitable for children from 2 to 12 years of age, is maintained daily during which the play equipment is inspected to ensure it is in a safe condition for use. The senior playground, which has equipment appropriate for older teenagers and more adventurous children, is currently being upgraded, and it is anticipated that this will be open for use by mid-August.