Geneva Pattison
An inclusive initiative has just been revealed this week from the National Transport Authorty. The new hidden disability, “please offer me a seat” badge, has been created for people who may not have visible physical disabilities but stll struggle on public transport, unbeknownst to other passengers. The TFI have stated that, if a passenger has a condition that makes standing on public transport diffcult, they can use the badge to quietly let others know that they may need a seat.

Invisible Disability Ireland have spoken out positively about the new initiative on their Instagram saying:
“This will make a massive difference to people with hidden dsabilities using public transport”.
Speaking on the topic of hidden disability in a recent interview, founder of invisble disability Ireland, Emily Larkin said:
“[Invisible disablities are] no less challenging and can hinder a person’s efforts to go to school, work, socialise, and more. One in 7 people in Ireland have a disability and about 80%of disabilities have invisible impairments, meaning they are not immediately apparent”.
Types of conditions considered invisible disabilites include fibromyalgia, autism, head injuries, M.S, heart conditions, chronic pain and arthritic conditions along with numerous others. In order to qualify to recieve a badge, you must have a formal diagnosis from a specialist. Once you recieve your badge it can be used on all buses, trains as well as on the Luas.
Dominic Hannigan, of the Public Transport Regulation section of the NTA, mentioned that the NTA want to make sure that “public transport is as inclusive and accessible for people of varying abilities as possible”.
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