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Gain some insight into a central part of Dublin’s history, as the Mansion House opens its public rooms!
As 2015 marks the 300th anniversary of the Mansion House serving as official residence to the Lord Mayor of Dublin, the celebrations are continuing throughout the year.
It will be opening its doors to the public over the next three months for guided tours, the first of which take place this Saturday (June 27).
Lord Mayor of Dublin, Christy Burke encourages the public to take in some of the building’s compelling history: “The Mansion House is steeped in a rich and fascinating history. It has welcomed Dubliners, international and civic leaders, cultural stars and sporting heroes through its doors over the last 300 years. It has been the venue for the formation of the Irish State, with the terms of the Truce marking the end of the Anglo-Irish war and the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which allowed for the partition of Ireland, both being signed in the Mansion House in 1921. I hope the public will take the opportunity to come along and walk through the House and see it in all its glory.”
The guided tours will also be taking place on Saturday, July 25 and Saturday, August 29. Three tours will take place each day, at 2, 3 and 4pm. To book your place, and for more information, contact the Office of the Lord Mayor on (01) 222 6200, or email lordmayor@dublincity.ie.
By Aimée Mac Leod