Movie of the Week – ET
The Lighthouse cinema is launching a new season of movies throughout the summer. Tilted ‘Films You’d Love Your Kids To See’, it will showcase some of the great ‘kids’ movies of the ’80s and hopefully introduce them to a new generation, if they can put their smartphones down for 90 minutes. First up on Wednesday is the Spielberg blockbuster E.T. What more needs to be said about this gem? Round up the kids and introduce them to this treat.

La Grande Bouffe
Marco Ferreri’s 1973 satire La Grande Bouffe returns to the Irish Film Institute all week. Four men with more wealth than sense retire to a country house with the intention of eating themselves to death over the course of a weekend. You may not want a post-screening meal after this one but it’s certainly worth a watch.

Terminator Genisys
Not worth a second thought is Terminator Genisys, the latest and worst installment in the once great Terminator franchise. Trading suspense and action set-pieces for low-brow humour, this one’s a real slap in the face for fans of James Cameron’s original movies. Avoid like the plague.

Still the Water
Almost as bad, yet entirely different, is Japanese snoozer Still the Water, a tender bore about a pair of cod philosophising teens. These kids make Holden Caulfield seem insightful and you’ll want to strangle the male protagonist by the end.

There are far too many mediocre documentaries being released in cinemas lately. The latest is Magician, which manages somehow to tell the incredible story of Orson Welles in a bland fashion. If you have an interest in Welles, there’s nothing new here, but it’s a decent enough entry point if you’re unfamiliar with the great man.
By Eric Hillis