Pictured: Dublin-bikes.
There were two meetings of the Dublin City Council South East Committee over the months of April and May 2016. NewsFour bring you the critical points that affect the community.
Councillor Kieran Binchy enquired for an update on the initial studies on the ongoing flood protection works concerning the Sandymount seafront. The manager has made it known that the structural investigations to the existing Sandymount seawall have been completed and a topographical survey of the wall has been carried out.
However, a new low wall will also be considered, for covering the stretch of coast by the Sandymount Martello Tower which is an unprotected area. Pre-planning proposals will be presented to the local Residents Association for their approval.
Councillor Chris Andrews put forward a motion with both the positive and negative aspects to consider, with regards to increasing the frequency of the DART to one every ten minutes all day with five minutes given per train in each direction. The council considered the possible objections and problems that could arise, such as traffic problems for the residents of Sydney Parade and Sandymount. DCC will have to consider these issues before any such proposal or plan can be made in the future.
Councillor Frank Kennedy queried the Committee about the condition of the road from Tritonville Road to Church Avenue, in regards to the accumulation of gravel and concrete coming from big trucks passing through in large numbers, which residents have been unhappy about. The council replied that they will monitor this area to ensure that it is kept as clean as possible. Road maintenance have inspected the aforementioned junctions, with the work locations delegated to a crew to remove the hardened concrete from the road surfaces.
On a similar note, councillor Dermot Lacey enquired whether the manager would have a litter warden take appropriate action with dumping taking place on Rampart Lane and have the area cleaned, and also enquired as to any legal action that might need to be taken. The manager replied that the Waste Management Services Division had Rampart Lane cleaned on April 19th.
In view of the damage that has been done to No.77 Pembroke Cottages in Donnybrook, by trucks and delivery lorries turning at this point, councillor Lacey asked the Manager if she will have the footpath widened as indicated in the drawings that were submitted. DCC replied that the requests will be included in the contractual documents and will be prepared for contractors for pricing. A contractor will have to be appointed by the council. In the meantime, potholes will be filled in, but DCC have stated that the junction will not be reconfigured as it will leave the southern side of Pembroke Cottages without a continuous footpath.
Councillor McCartan asked the Manager to address a road safety issue running from Gilford Park into Park Avenue in Sandymount, concerning the speed of certain drivers turning a dangerous corner outside Bethany House. Councillor McCartan addressed the fact that a ramp and a “slow down” sign are on the road at this particular location and that there have been several near misses with pedestrians.
The council replied that this matter has been referred on to the Traffic Advisory Group for examination. The councillor will be updated in due course.
In response to an inquiry by Councillor McCartan, DCC stated that it is not recommended for the yellow box on Haddington Road at the entrance to Beggars Bush be extended any further. They also stated that half a yellow box was provided for (with one lane only) in the eastbound traffic lane of Haddington Road to cover this junction. This has all been done for the easy movement and continual flow of traffic, manoeuvring round the right turn at the exit for Beggar’s Bush and Cranmer Lane.
The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government has issued new regulations for the collection of kerbside household waste which will come into effect on the July 1st. This is to introduce pay by weight for kerbside waste collections in reusable bins. The criteria for this will be to designate areas within the city which will continue as bag collection areas post July 1st. Once the Council completes this exercise the full list of designated streets will be uploaded to the DCC website and information will be provided for all waste collectors operating in the city’s functional area. Only householders on these designated streets will be allowed to present their waste in bags after July 1st.
Councillor Frank Kennedy asked the Council for a full update on the Dodder flood alleviation works on Anglesea Road in their current condition. DCC replied that construction has commenced on the new flood wall at the back gardens of No. 1-17 Anglesea Road. The construction of a new badger sett is due to be completed in the next few weeks so that works in LVA, Hazeldene, Somerset and Dunluce sites can begin over summer. DCC also informed councillor Kennedy that the local cricket club embankment has been raised. Traffic permits for works in Anglesea Lane have been applied for by the Council, with all tree-cutting schemes complete. All works on Anglesea Road upstream of the Herbert Park Bridge will be completed by 2017.
Councillor Mannix Flynn enquired as to whether the Manager of DCC intends to follow through with its campaign against cycling on footpaths, as it is an issue in the South East Area in regards to public safety and amenities. DCC replied that the Environment and Transportation Department is currently developing a road safety strategy for publication in the third quarter of 2016. The expected publication date is in the third quarter of the year. This strategy will work with the Coca-Cola Zero Dublin Bikes official app to reinforce this message to cyclists.
Compiled by Robert Fullarton