Pictured: Paul Mahon with wife Zoë and daughter Zelda.
Photo courtesy of Paul Mahon.
Ringsend resident, Paul Mahon, has been making quite a name for himself, thanks to his popular DadVlog, which he launched on his birthday in February this year in preparation for the birth of his first child.
Paul’s remarkable videos have been garnering a lot of attention from the national media, including The Today Show on RTE, Newstalk and Joe.ie.
A Vlog, for NewsFour readers who don’t already know, is a video blog or diary which can be uploaded and shared on video sites like YouTube. Vlogging has given people a new medium to express themselves and showcase their skills, share their opinions and entertain.
They have become an increasingly popular way to access information and get entertainment online, particularly for the Netflix generation, covering a myriad of subjects such as fashion, comedy, gaming, makeup application, music and personal life experiences.
As a techno savvy visual artist and filmmaker, Paul is no stranger to recording his life experiences and sharing them on sites such as Snapchat. In fact, he cheerfully admits that he “documents a lot.”
He decided to share his journey as a first-time father when he discovered that there is very little information available online for new dads, at least not the kind of information he was looking for, in comparison to the wealth of information available to expectant and new mums.
Paul brings his considerable film making talents to the genre and gives his Vlogs an edgy, arty feel, which differentiates them from much of the video fare found online. Each video he uploads is new, fresh and relevant to what is going on in his life as the family adjusts to its newest member.
From visits to the antenatal clinic in Holles Street, the birth of baby Zelda three weeks before her due date, skateboarding to and from the hospital, nervous nappy changing lessons, late night editing with Zelda in his arms, her introduction to the much-loved family dog Penny and celebratory occasions with grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins (they have large families!), they portray a warm and humourous take on the joys and challenges that come with having a new baby.
Above all. Paul set out “to share the loveliness of it all,” by which he refers to fatherhood. He says that his generation are “too cautious and somewhat clueless when it comes to parenthood, waiting until everything is just right – the career, the house, the future, instead of just getting on with it.”
The ever-amenable and enchanting Zoë, Paul’s partner, happily goes along with the project, only objecting to a little too much nipple in one frame but unperturbed giving birth on camera and by the hilarious breast pump scenes. In the interest of honesty, the couple are happy to share every aspect of their lives.
Zoë and Paul have been living in Ringsend for the past four years and the Vlog features some great shots of the area. They love Raytown’s friendly community spirit and appreciate the support that they get from their neighbours, especially since Zelda arrived.
All of the music featured on the Vlog is original, written and produced by Paul and his friends, which adds to the viewer’s sense of where he is coming from. Cool and reflective, it makes an interesting counterpoint to the fast-paced narrative of the Vlog.
This is reality TV with a difference. Unscripted, it offers viewers an authentic slice of modern Irish family life as seen through the eyes of a contemporary Renaissance man.
You can check it out on https://www.geppetto.ie
By Jennifer Reddin