There were two meetings of the Dublin City Council’s South East Area committee over the months of October and November.
There was a motion from councillor Frank Kennedy following the lack of progress subsequent to the letter from An Post to the South East Area committee which dated to the 19th of February 2016. This issue has been of strategic and social significance to the community. The DCC Manager responded that the South East Area Committee will decide on this motion and on whether they will send a letter to An Post for the future opening of a post office in Sandymount.
Councillor Frank Kennedy also stressed the problem of littering at certain locations in Ringsend, Irishtown and Sandymount. Cllr Kennedy had called for the availability of more rubbish bins along Irishtown nature park, as bins in the past have been “burned out from acts of vandalism.” He also stressed the supervision of the area and the implementation of fines with regard to this. DCC replied that waste management services will install a litter bin on the requested site at the Irishtown nature reserve.
Other areas mentioned will continue to be monitored, though they have been found to be in a relatively litter-free condition. Litter bins will be looked at and fines of €150 under litter pollution legislation have recently been issued for those who fail to clean up after their dogs.
Councillors Chris Andrews and Paddy McCartan have also stressed the ongoing issue of dog fouling along Sandymount Strand and how dogs must always be kept on a leash. Cllr Andrews also enquired further into the price and nature of the fines imposed by DCC. The manager responded stating that dog fouling had been the biggest issue raised by Dublin’s citizens during the public consultations for the Litter Management plan of 2016-2018.
Approximately €150,000 had been provided for dog fouling enforcement. DCC have also responded by stating that the South East Area has launched patrols for the examination of this matter, going back to May 2016.
Cllr Kennedy raised the issue of waste management and stated that there was an ongoing problem with dumping waste and graffiti around the Dublin South East area and Docklands, calling for the use of more bins, bottle banks and frequent bin collections. He also stressed the importance of sweeping and clearing the local footpaths of the stated area. DCC replied that the area has been inspected and found to be in a litter-free condition. DCC also stated that the area was not suitable for a bottle bank, but they have proposed to launch a Think Don’t Litter tag video on social media from November to be shown to schools through the supervision of DCC staff and An Garda Síochana.
Councillor Claire Byrne motioned that the committee call on the area manager to install street lighting on Grand Canal Docks from the corner of Hanover Quay and Blood Stoney Road towards the canal locks as a matter of urgency. This issue has been a danger for local residents and has been contributing to anti-social behaviour. DCC responded stating that the lighting was out on the stated areas due to loss of electricity. The power has since been restored to five of the seven light standards. A number of lighting columns on the quayside from Benson St eastwards will be replaced with LED light fittings.
Councillor Paddy McCartan asked the manager to arrange with Dublin Bus to have a real-time sign erected outward bound at Pearse Street – stop number 351 opposite Pearse Street Library. Cllr McCartan also motioned for a real-time sign erected outward bound at Ringsend – stop number 356 – adjacent to the local charity shop. DCC responded that the matter has been referred to the National Transport Authority (NTA) for consideration and a report will be made when the NTA have replied.
Cllr Frank Kennedy addressed the fact that there has been an ongoing problem with the traffic lights at the junction of Merrion Road (beside Nutley Lane) affecting pedestrians trying to cross on to Merrion Road outside the Merrion Shopping Centre. Outside the shopping centre, there have been traffic congestion problems where cars are backed up on the junction even before the lights have gone red.
Cllr Kennedy suggested a resolution: installing a yellow box covering the width of the pedestrian crossing outside the shopping centre. DCC replied that the matter has been referred on to the Traffic Advisory Group for examination and report. The councillor will be informed of the matter in due course.
Councillor Chris Andrews stressed the importance of removing certain trees along Beechill Avenue whose roots have pushed up the local pavements. The councillor also stated that this issue could create a safety problem for senior citizens in the area. DCC stated that the parks and landscaping services in the area have removed a number of trees in the Beechwood Estate over the years and it has been proposed that the majority of the semi-mature Elm trees that have been leaning over and damaging the footpaths, will be given the highest priority in their scrutiny of the matter.
Councillor Claire Byrne enquired on the matter of who the new proposed lessee of the Pigeon House Hotel is. DCC replied that the City Council is currently negotiating a short-term lease of the Hotel and its surrounding area. The terms and conditions of the matter, however, have not been agreed on. This issue will be put before the local Area Committee for approval.