The Irish Heart Foundation are providing health checkups in their mobile unit that is travelling around the country.
The Irish Heart Foundation’s Mobile Health Unit is travelling around communities in Ireland providing FREE blood pressure checks, and comprehensive lifestyle advice on heart health.
The service is provided by trained nurses and is available on Wednesday 15th February from 10am – 6pm, outside St Patricks Church, Ringsend. It is available to all who wish to come for a free and quick checkup, something that should not be passed up if in the area.
The Irish Heart Foundation state that:
a blood pressure check is a simple quick and non-invasive test that can truly be life-saving.
High blood pressure is a major cause of stroke and heart attack and is one of the most widespread risk factors in the population. High blood pressure, so long as it is identified, is very manageable; thereby reducing your risk.
More information on healthier living and protecting your heart can also be viewed at the Irish Heart Foundation’s website which can be viewed here.
By Ferg Hayden