Applications for the Aviva Stadium Community Fund Scheme are open for 2019 and will remain open until St Patrick’s Day, 17th March.
The fund, which was set up by the Aviva Stadium in 2007 supports community-based projects originating within a one-kilometre radius of the stadium itself. Over the twelve years, the fund has supported in excess of 400 projects. To date, it has invested €1.2 million in the local community.
The fund is administered by the Stadium Community Committee (SCC), which consists of representatives of local residents’ associations, local councillors, Dublin City Council and Aviva Stadium management. All projects that apply are evaluated by an independent assessor before a decision is made by the Stadium Community Committee.
A selection of the kinds of projects supported are:
• Equipment for schools
• Equipment for sports clubs
• Community awards
• Classes
• Summer camps
• Outings for local groups
Among the many organisations helped are the Iris Charles Centre, Marian College, Clanna Gael Fontenoy, YMCA, Railway Union, Sea Scouts, Plurabellle Paddlers, National Print Museum, local schools and residents’ associations.
Full details of the fund can be found on the Aviva Stadium website where application forms and explanatory documents can be downloaded.
All applications must be submitted before March 17th, and be addressed to:
Aviva Stadium Community Grants Scheme 2019, c/o Roddy Guiney, Honorary Secretary, Stadium Community Committee, c/o WH, 6 Ely Place, Dublin 2