Photo courtesy of Google
The Homeless Mobile Run volunteers provide hot dishes, snacks, tea, coffee, toiletries, clothes and sleeping bags for the homeless. With the decrease in temperature and the nights becoming colder and colder, the support for the homeless is needed now more than ever.
The volunteers are looking for donations to get as many sleeping bags as possible and 100% of the donations will go to the Homeless Mobile Run Sleeping Bag Appeal.
They need your help! A voluntary non-government funded organization, they provide all the items mentioned above.
A sleeping bag can save a life this winter and all year round, so they are desperately needed.
All donations are welcome and are greatly appreciated. It doesn’t have to be money donations, it can be any items you think the service users will need.
100% of the donations go to the Homeless Mobile Run Sleeping Bag Appeal.
A €12 donation can get one sleeping bag. If you have any queries, feel free to text the page on Facebook ‘Homeless Mobile Run’ or phone 0852272854. Don’t look down on anyone unless you’re picking them up.
The GoFundMe link is: https://www.gofundme.com/HomelessMobikeRunSleepingBagAppeal