The ‘Ringsend Irishtown Sustainable Energy Community (RISE-C)’ has completed a number of initiatives in 2019.Recently, the group completed a 2019 Communities grant with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). This grant included the installation of solar panels, LED lighting and zone-controlled heating, as well as other insulation and energy efficiency measures, at Clanna Gael Fontenoy, The Fair Play Café and The Rediscovery Centre.
Additionally, the Sustainable Energy Community completed a local energy master plan. The energy master plan was completed by Arden Energy and includes a baseline analysis of energy consumption and uses in the area; energy audits of commercial and domestic buildings; a plan to reduce total residential energy use by 20% by 2030; identification of commercial buildings that could achieve significant, cost-effective energy savings; and a Register of Opportunities.
Joe Donnelly of the Fair Play Café said, “We are absolutely delighted with our solar panels, heating controls and LED lighting. Our customers comment on the positive benefits of using a café that has a significantly reduced carbon footprint.”
A Sustainable Energy Community is a group of people working together to achieve energy efficiency, to implement renewable energy measures and to adopt smart energy solutions. Currently, there are over 300 Sustainable Energy Communities across Ireland.
The Ringsend Irishtown Sustainable Energy Community is interested in hearing from any residents, community groups and businesses who would like to know more about sustainable energy or want to be involved in creating a more sustainable community.
Further information, including the energy master plan, can be found on: www.risec.ieOr send an email to risecommunityinfo@gmail.comS
Solar Panels were fitted at the Fair Play Café in under 4 hours