The 1st Port Sea Scouts in Ringsend’s ‘Scouting for Safe Harbour’ is among the projects selected to receive funding under the 2023 CSIF (Community Safety Innovation Fund), announced last month by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee. The fund sees over €3 million worth of funding go to 30 projects who are adopting projects to improve safety in their communities. The fund uses monies seized by the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) and the gardaí and redistributes it into local communities. So well done to Ringsend Sea Scouts.

Minister McEntee stated:
“I’ve said consistently that the people who are best placed to know and respond to local safety issues are communities themselves. It’s vital that we empower our communities to proactively address safety concerns and in the process build stronger, safer communities. This fund reflects the continued successes of An Garda Síochána and the Criminal Assets Bureau seizing the ill-gotten gains of criminals. That’s why I’m delighted that we have been able to increase the size of this fund to €3.75 million under Budget 2024. Putting this money back into the community is a really tangible way of showing that there can be a direct link between the activities of law enforcement and improved feelings of community safety.”

Meanwhile, the Scouts are back in action after a short break at the end of the summer. Camps, hikes and activities afloat are planned for the coming months including a trip to Fota Island Scout campsite in Co Cork for Sea Scouts, and a hill walking trip to some of Ulster’s highest mountains. For Cub Scouts, a new Lego-based robotics programme, exploring our local parks and beaches, and environmental activities in partnership with the Local Authorities Waters Programme will keep young people busy throughout the winter period, before their outdoor activities re-commence in earnest in the Spring. There are currently a small number of vacancies for 11 and 12-year-olds on Wednesday nights at our den on the Pigeon House Road. We are also exploring the possibility of a new night for 6 and 7-year-olds. Anyone interested can fill in the form on or email on Expressions of interest from volunteers with a passion for the sea are always welcome.