The Butterfly Run is a 5K memorial fun run where you can run, jog, walk or stroll while coming together to remember and honour all who have experienced pregnancy loss, infant loss, and infertility. It raises awareness by creating a community of help and moral support to bereaved parents who are dealing with grief and loss, sometimes in isolation. It is a path that no one should walk alone. Féileacáin is a not-for-profit organisation that provides comfort, a source of strength, sympathy and all the reassurance for anyone who might be affected and needs the right guidance and care.

Sean Moore Park in Sandymount, Dublin 4 is the venue for this year’s run on Saturday 12th October. Check-in starts at 11.30am and the run will start at 12.30pm. Tickets are €5 for a child, €10 for an adult and €20 for a family and you can get these on Eventbrite when you register and you will also get a t-shirt to wear on the day.

All proceeds go directly to support Féileacáin and the families who need and depend on their help to ease their heartache and support them through their distress, so please donate what you can and aid them in their fundraising event.
Local man Anthony Owens is a volunteer with Féileacáin and runs the Féileacáin Fathers football team who are based in Dublin and train every month in Irishtown. Féileacáin support fathers who have lost babies and gone through the harrowing hard times of loss, because it is as important for them to have an outlet to talk or just be around others who they can relate to, as generally men don’t talk about their feelings and they need that support and help too. Féileacáin Fathers organise charity fundraising football matches to spread awareness and raise funds.
The Butterfly Run is all about breaking that stigma to raise awareness about talking through this tough time, which in itself is a healing process.
So please donate what you can and turn up on the day to encourage, cheer on and celebrate all the beautiful angels who are loved and missed beyond infinity.