BADRA Celebrates

(Bath Avenue and District Residents Association)

Badra has been in existence for over 50 years now. It is run by residents who in a voluntary capacity give their time and energy to achieving the aims and objectives of the  association. The area of Badra spans from Bath Avenue to Londonbridge Road and the adjacent streets. The current committee is led by our Chairman Darren Mc Quarrie. He has, along with other committee members, been instrumental in applying for funding and obtaining grants for Badra. The committee meets on a regular basis dealing with local issues and organising events for the local residents. Badra deals with DCC on issues of concerns such as traffic management, street cleaning, roadworks and other issues that arise.

Our committee has a community representative, Graham Clinton, on the Aviva Stadium Community Committee. He liaises with the Stadium on issues such as traffic management, security for match and concert events and tries to ensure that issues residents are facing are addressed. Badra applies yearly to the Aviva fund and has been successful in being awarded funding throughout the years to enable Badra to continue working on community events. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Aviva fund committee and the Chair Roddy Guiney for their support . 

With this funding Badra has organised events such as

Pitch and Putt Outings

Seniors Christmas Party 

Easter, Halloween and Christmas Craft making . 

Summer camps for children at Sportsco and football camps at Irishtown Stadium.

End of  Summer BBQ .

Afternoon Tea for Seniors . 

Movie and Pizza nights for Teenagers . 

Other events .

Santa Van experience and Christmas event 

For further information contact

Badra would like to thank all the local businesses who continue to support Badra. To Capital Credit union for hosting the Christmas event on December 8th.To the Bath Pub for hosting Seniors Party and Summer BBQ. Slatterys pub for movie nights. To all businesses we sincerely want to say a big Thank You. 

Google – Thank you for your support and look forward to planning events in 2025. 

Badra would like to wish all our residents a safe and Happy Christmas. Don’t forget to come and support Mr Tilly’s amazing fundraising event for the Hospice. Liam does phenomenal work!