By Geneva Pattison The first few months of every new year can be a challenging time for people, especially when trying to save money. Costs can easily spiral out of control. With high street advertising hijacking the TV and online […]
Read more →This anthology of essays and images proposes to do exactly what the title says: within its pages are 32 essays on the history and environment of the famed Dublin 4 neighbourhoods named in the title. A collaborative
Read more →A few years ago a Biodiversity Action Plan was implemented for Irishtown Nature Park which was a landfill at one point and has become its own significant place locally. People are very conscious and very vigilant of what’s happening there
Read more →Drilling for oil or gas is often a contentious issue and we only need to look west to see the controversy between Shell and the local residents of Rossport. However in the last few months this controversy has come closer
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