Local History

Isles of the Sea 1901

Isles of the Sea 1901

During the East Coast Skiff rowing season I got talking to my good friend Mick Curry. We were discussing an article in NewsFour about the Ringsend Gaelic Football team Inse Na Mara who won the 1901 All Ireland. Isles of

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Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve was crazy. All the gangs from the area would go gathering materials for the bonfires. They would collect pallets, wooden crates, tyres and anything else that would burn. The Villas, Whelan House, O’Rahilly House, George Reynolds, Stella […]

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Return of the Milkman

Return of the Milkman

Father and son team Patrick and Paddy Kelly are milkmen who deliver to your home, so you can wake up to fresh milk on your doorstep. But there will be an extra reason to wake up early this week and […]

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Beatles 50th Anniversary

RTÉ news reporter Frank Hall interviewed The Beatles when they came to Ireland to perform in November 1963 and tomorrow we mark the 50th anniversary. I stumbled across an interview on RTÉ player and was nearly in tears laughing at […]

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The Purdy-Curran Chronicles

The Purdy-Curran Chronicles

A few months ago I was watching the TV programme Countryfile when a picture flashed up on the screen of a German U-boat covered in mud on the seabed. I think it was from the 1914-18 war and it was […]

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Beatles Fans to Come Together

Beatles Fans to Come Together

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the one and only Irish appearance of The Beatles, an event arguably second only to Handel’s Fishamble Street premiere of The Messiah in the history of live music in the city. The band […]

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Local Legacy of Rising

Local Legacy of Rising

While we all should know that Pearse Street is named after Padraig Pearse, it’s not as obvious that other streets in the area, and a lot of social housing, is named after others who died in the 1916 Rising. An […]

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Gunfight at The O.K. Corral

Gunfight at The O.K. Corral

The South West of the United States was truly a mad, wild and lawless territory. Everybody was armed and would shoot you dead for a chance remark or a perceived dirty look. It really was the Wild West. This was […]

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Salt in The Veins

Salt in The Veins

Local Ringsend man Gerry Brannock has good reason to be proud of the area. The spritely native has seen both land and seascapes of Dublin’s south portside change radically over the years, but the historic pride is also tinged with […]

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Rediscovering the Lost Generation

Rediscovering the Lost Generation

Paris, 1925. Truly the centre of the art world. The Art Deco period had just begun and everybody who was anybody in the arts lived there, including Ireland’s three greatest writers – Wilde, Joyce and Beckett. As Oscar Wilde lay […]

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