At the end of November Ringsend’s Days, Our Poets in Bloom: Telling a 1000 years of Ringsend History was launched in the Ringsend Irishtown Community Centre on Thorncastle Street. The book, produced by the Ringsend and District
Read more →I would like to give you a bit of background as to how this beautiful memorial wall came to be and about the wonderful person behind the idea. Orla Murphy Projects was founded in memory of and inspired by the late Orla Murphy from Ringsend.
Read more →It’s no secret that Dublin is going through a big housing crisis. Dublin accounts for 70 per cent of all homeless people with 6,935 adults and 3,165 children without homes in the capital. This means that the number of homeless in Dublin city surpassed 10,000 for the first time in March of
Read more →Citizens Information Centres were established with the three main aims of information, advice and advocacy, so when you need help budgeting they can provide information or refer you on to MABs. If you are worried about your application for citizenship
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