David Nolan
19th December 2014
St Patrick’s CYFC update Nov-Dec 2014
As 2014 draws to a close and we all look forward to the festive period, there is still the small matter of playing out the final few league games for both our Senior and Saturday sides. It’s been a very mixed period for the club. The senior team only recently ended
30th December 2013
St. Patrick’s CYFC Update
The wintery weather has arrived, a period when only the most hardened of supporters will stand rigidly on the sideline. That was indeed the case on Thursday November 14th as our senior side travelled north of the city to take
11th December 2012
St Patrick’s CYFC
We begin this issue with the news that after five fantastic years at the helm first team manager John Young has decided to step down, the announcement in early October was unexpected but work commitments must come first. The club