James O'Doherty
19th December 2014
The Green Scene: Seasonal Magic
Winter draws in on us. All year we have watched nature moving. In Autumn it begins to slow down, perhaps to give us an opportunity to take a moment and appreciate the seasons that have passed. Now it’s winter, and the year’s declining days bring a unique beauty.
16th December 2013
The Green Scene
As the year grows old and December days grow shorter, we accept the onset of winter as an inevitable part of nature’s course. The foliage is gone from the trees and now is the time to admire the lovely colours of the bark as they glow in the low winter sun.
16th December 2012
Gloria In Excelsis – The Song of the Angels
The most human and lovable of the church’s feasts, Christmas, seems to come earlier and earlier each year. For more years than I care to remember I was responsible for the selection and erection of the huge Christmas trees for Dublin city.
1st October 2012
An Autumn Approach
There was an Autumnal feeling in the air as I walked up the recently restored Dodder walkway. The light of the sun was reflecting off the giant glass dome that is the Aviva Stadium. The water in the Dodder was