Ruairi Conneely
19th December 2014
‘War’ at Ringsend Rock School
Christmas is coming, and intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic regard this earth with envious eyes. No, you read that right, and before you email our office to report that writer and editor have lost their minds, try and see if you can remember where the quote is from.
Arts & CultureChristmasLocal NewsMusicRingsend
19th December 2014
Medium-Sized Town, Fairly Big Story
Ronan Casey’s compendium, Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story, is classic stocking filler fare, especially if you have a taste for the oddities of small town life. Subtitled ‘The Stories that made the Headlines in Ireland’s Local Newspapers… And Nowhere Else’,
Arts & CultureBooksChristmas
30th December 2013
A Social and Natural History of Sandymount, Irishtown and Ringsend
This anthology of essays and images proposes to do exactly what the title says: within its pages are 32 essays on the history and environment of the famed Dublin 4 neighbourhoods named in the title. A collaborative
Arts & CultureBooksEnvironmentLocal History
11th November 2013
Give What You Actually Can
The Christmas ads are already on telly to warn us all to get our shopping done, and many of us will be groaning and rolling our eyes, with Halloween just barely behind us but even though the season for giving isn’t here yet, today marks the start of National Giving Week.