My initial degree was in English and Classics, followed by a Masters in English Lit., in NUI Maynooth where I worked as a tutor and part-time lecturer. While I loved the buzz of academia a nagging voice told me I was only living from the neck up, so I graduated into Personal Development, and became a total addict! I ended up training in various healing modalities, and worked professionally as a Life Coach for a time. But the writing bug got me again and I set up my own website which explores the nature of what it is to be human in a spiritual body, and other weird things! Arriving at NewsFour was like a natural progression where I get to relate stories on a daily basis. Another of my passions is walking. In 2009 I did the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in beautiful Northern Spain. I think I get inspiration from walking and movement. My theory of life is that we continuously experience our “thinking”, rather than what we’re thinking about. It has kept me sane!
7th February 2025
Now that the country has a new government one of the first things they should give serious consideration to is introducing a Universal Basic Income (UBI). What this means is that everyone would be paid a standard non-means-tested income sufficient to live on,
29th November 2024
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness” As we approach the dying days of 2024 it is a twisted irony that Dickens’ immortal words written in 1859
29th November 2024
Wingspan by Eithne Cavanagh, with photographs by Colum Clarke, published by Orla Kelly Publishing (2024). A hybrid of poetry and photos of an ornithological nature. This collection contains 27 beautiful poems with accompanying superb photographs
Arts & CultureBooksPoetryWildlife
4th October 2024
All great ideas begin with a thought in someone’s head. 38 years ago Ann Ingle, then resident in Sandymount, came up with the idea for a local newspaper; informative, lively, interesting, one that would capture the authentic voice of Dublin 4. From that idea NewsFour was born.
Cover StoryLocal HistoryLocal NewsNewsFourSandymount
4th October 2024
There is one unavoidable ritual we must engage with now that October is here. No, I’m not talking about Halloween and getting dressed up in a freaky costume. I’m talking about the ritual of turning the clocks back one hour. But many question whether we should be observing this
4th October 2024
Having a receptive eye to one’s immediate surroundings, and then being able to translate this into words while treating the subject with keen sensitivity is a rare gift, but one which poet Mary Guckian possesses. Originally from Kiltoghert in Leitrim, Mary has travelled the world,
Arts & CultureBooksPoetry
9th August 2024
Sadly, this notice appeared recently in the post office in Ballsbridge. The post office – once the hub of the community, the place where people met to collect their pension, get stamps, or send parcels to loved ones in far off lands. Of course the real reason we went in was to catch up
BallsbridgeEconomyLocal NewsPlanning and Architecture
9th August 2024
With September around the corner and schools about to reopen many parents are already fretting about how they will be able to meet this year's school bills. While education is free in Ireland there are many hidden costs, as parents are all too well aware. Top of that list
9th August 2024
The notion of presence, synonymous with intimations of eternity is what first struck me when reading Rachael Stanley’s debut offering, Back to Infinity. Thematically expansive, juxtaposing the mundane with the surreal, the ephemeral with the eternal; at times reminiscent of a musical score
Arts & CultureBooksPoetry
1st June 2024
When elections followed the lifting of Apartheid in South Africa in 1994 after 44 years of white minority rule there were queues a mile long in many rural parts of the country, with people waiting for over 12 hours to cast their vote. Similarly, here in Dublin in 2022, Brazilians