Railway Union under 14 boys indoor hockey team finished runners up in the Tommy O’Sullivan Perpetual Trophy played at Donabate Sports Centre.
The final round of matches took place on Sunday 2nd February. The Railway players put in some great team and individual performances and no doubt many of them will make the step up onto the senior teams in the next year or two. Shomik Chakraborty had a stormer in goal and Sasha Kuchenmeister controlled the middle of the hall throughout the day with his fast stick work. Sasha was Railway’s top scorer bagging three goals over the course of the four matches on finals day. Also Kituru Ndee made constant bursts forward down the wing from right back. In the end Three Rock Rovers prevailed over Railway in a closely contested ten team tournament excellently run by Portane HC. Thanks to Maev Maguire team manager and Kimolo Ndee team coach for having the Railway players so well organised and playing an enjoyable exciting brand of attacking hockey.
By Kenny Carroll