Andrew Trimble launches Nourish Ireland Week
Picture: INDI
The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute is offering a day of free talks in the Clyde Court Hotel in Ballsbridge this coming Monday, as they launch Nourish Ireland Week.
These talks will cover a wide variety of topics around nutrition, such as the role of diet in cancer prevention and recurrence, and allergies and intolerances.
The INDI’s interim CEO, Richelle Flanagan explaIns what Nourish Ireland Week is all about: “We want to improve the Nation’s health through food and nutrition which is why we are offering free nutrition talks for the public on a range of topics that cover nutritional issues for children such as Weaning, Fussy Eaters, Allergies & Intolerances, and Eating Disorders and for adults Healthy Ageing, Diet and its role in the prevention and recurrence of cancer, managing Type 2 Diabetes through good nutrition and improving performance for Sports enthusiasts through diet and nutrition.”
The INDI is the professional body for dieticians in Ireland, and has been in existence since the late 1950s. They advise the government, as well as other groups and individuals on matters of food and nutrition, helping to promote good policy and practice. They represent over 645 members who work across the spectrum of healthcare services, from community nutrition to self-employed dietitians.
The first talk starts at 10am, and the day finishes at 3.50pm. All of the talks last 50 minutes, with a 10 minute break before the next. Tickets must be booked for each talk, and are available here along with the full schedule of talks. Tickets must be printed to be brought on the day.
By Aimée Mac Leod