Image by Niamh Redmond (Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership)
Dublin City Council has recently established the Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership, which aims to improve the quality of life for people living and working in Dublin.
With the help of several sporting, community and business organisations, the plan is to achieve this goal by providing opportunities for people to take part in several types of sport and physical activity. The Partnership has a strategy with which to bring this about with a more consolidated and strategic approach to how these chances are delivered throughout the city.
The hope is that the city of Dublin will be recognised as a leader in providing opportunities for physical activity and promoting wellbeing among citizens, both nationally and internationally.
At present, the DCSWP is preparing a 5-year strategy statement which will give an outline of its activities in the medium term, as well as seeking input from interested stakeholders in the city. Residents now have the chance to influence this, with the Partnership making use of a strategy consultation in which the views of the public can be made apparent.
The questionnaire is short and should only take 10 or 15 minutes to complete. Those filling it in are expected to be honest in all of their answers, and no individual views will be identified.
The DCSWP are grateful towards all who take part and thank them for the valid input that they provide.
The survey can be found at the following link:
Anyone who wishes to complete the survey in Irish can download it at this link:
Upon completion, surveys in Irish must be emailed to shauna.mcintyre@dublincity.ie. Closing date for completing the survey is Saturday 26 March.
By Kevin Carney