Pictured: Curragh racers on the Liffey. High winds do not deter the men from the West.
Photo: John Hawkins.
The fourth annual Dublin Currach Racing Regatta took place recently on Sunday August 7th, hosted this year by St. Patrick’s Rowing Club.
The event, which is now an established date in the diary for rowers in the Coiste Lár na gCurrachaí league, was sponsored by the Dublin Port Company and Dublin City Council. It is organised by the east coast’s most well-known currach enthusiast, David Kelly.
The race day schedule featured qualifying heats followed by the senior men’s and women’s finals, as well as under 18s racing. Six Senior Men’s crews, three Senior Women’s and four Under-18 crews from An Cheathrú Rua, Ros Muc, Ard Mor, Carna, Rosses Point, The Maharees, Dun Beag and the Fergus Rowing Club, Ennis took part.
All in all, it was a great day on the Liffey. High winds on the day were no impediment to the men and women from the west, who are well used to the more challenging conditions of the Atlantic. Irish was the predominant language in the clubhouse and on the river throughout the day.
Kelly was very happy with the turnout, and with the support and professionalism shown by St. Patrick’s Rowing Club, who supplied the safety boats and monitored the start and finish points.
Adrienne Kelly provided a feast of sandwiches, teas, coffees and cakes for the visitors and their supporters. Mairéad Ní Cheóinín, who co-ordinated and compèred the event, told NewsFour: “St Patrick’s provide great facilities and the competitors love coming here. The currents on the Liffey present a unique challenge to the rowers. It is very prestigious to be part of the Dublin Regatta.”
She went on to say that it is most exciting to see so many young people now taking an interest in the sport, which is so much part of the Irish tradition.
If you would like to try your hand at currach rowing you can contact David Kelly on 087 9612803
By Jennifer Reddin