Photo: Kevin O’Gorman.
Building on the Grand Canal Dock area has been accelerating at a fast pace in recent times, with many residents in the vicinity becoming increasingly frustrated at the high levels of noise and dust.
Pile driving, in particular has proven especially disruptive during the morning and at weekends. The impact has been felt nowhere more than on Blood Stoney Road, where a large crack has formed on the road surface, right outside the site where the pile driving is taking place.
Since the crack first appeared, thankfully it hasn’t widened, but it has lengthened somewhat, although the developers, Bennetts, say there is no danger of collapse.
Bennets have also put noise suppression measures in place to dampen the sound of piling and claim that all work is being carried out within the hours permitted by Dublin City Council.
Regarding vibrational disturbance, the developers have installed meters at various sites in the area to measure output, with the Longboat, Matheson and Waterside buildings, some of those most affected.
The British Standard for allowable vibrational levels is 20mm per second, and the site foreman receives an alert if any meter reads above 5mm per second. It’s claimed that levels have not yet exceeded 1mm/sec.
The contractors have also been doing some watering to reduce dust levels and are looking at doubling up on those efforts, with all trucks leaving the site having their wheels rinsed and being followed by a sweeper.
Bennetts have also been approached about providing a window cleaning service for neighbouring buildings affected by the works. When the pile driving and foundation work ends, Cairn Homes are due to move in on the site and begin construction.
By Paul O’Rourke