We all know healthy living will make you live longer but actually abiding by the 5-7 a day veg and fruit rule is next to impossible. With so much variety nowadays in supermarkets and in take-aways and restaurants, one expects what they’re selling us to be nourishing to some degree. This is not always the case and so thre is a huge drive through your local libraries at present to educate people on what they should be eating and what to avoid. There are now resident dietitians in your local area giving talks at your local library for free so next time your passing by pop in and ask the librarian for information on upcoming talks. Here, I will list out the a few events coming up under the ‘Healthy Ireland’ programme to keep you in check for now.
One of the events coming up hosted by the resident dietitian is ‘Living with Type 2 diabetes’ which is a free 6- week course helping you to manage your condition. This starts tomorrow at Pearse St library and Places are limited so Booking is essential: 076 6958080 / michelle.carey@hse.ie
There is an interesting talk coming up from Addictive Eaters Anonymous Dublin (AEAD) entitled ‘Cant stop thinking about food’ where four of their members will talk about what the group did for them and how their lives are now. This talk deals with many addictive eating disorders whether you are at the extreme end of the spectrum or not. Please register here
There is also a wide range of books on health recommended by the Department of Health in Pearse St and those that are already out on loan can alternatively be borrowed through their online ‘Borrowbox’ service. Ask at the library for further details. So if you’re going to make a go of it this year and put that unhealthy past behind you, you best get educated first and hit the ground running.
By Paul Carton
Online Editor