Compiled by Geneva Pattison
The following motions and responses were presented at the monthly meetings for the South East Area Committee held on April 8th and on May 13th.
11th April SEAC Notes.
Due to the continued growth in office developments in the Ballsbridge area, Cllr Dermot Lacey (Lab) and Cllr Paddy McCartan (FG) requested a report from the Chief Executive in relation to proposals to expand the reach of the Dublin Bike Scheme to Ballsbridge. The response to the motion posed was “Any further growth of the Just Eat Dublin Bikes Scheme will likely be dependant on the identification of additional sustainable funding for capital and operational costs”. Until a strategic review is undertaken of the business model of the Bike Scheme, there will be no “definite timeline” for extending the scheme to Ballsbridge.
Cllr. Dermot Lacey enquired about what cleaning measures were in place after rugby matches in Donnybrook Stadium in the central Donnybrook area, namely Eglinton Terrace, Rampart Lane and Dodder Walk. Similarly, Cllr Lacey asked what the Leinster Branch Rugby Football Union or other rugby authorities were contributing in relation to the costs of cleaning up after matches. He received the following response “Donnybrook Stadium hire a private cleaning company to clean the central Donnybrook area following rugby matches in their stadium and Dublin City Council incur no cleaning costs in this matter”.
Cllr Chris Andrews (SF) posed the motion that young people are being turned away from sports clubs in the Ringsend area due to a lack of facilities in Ringsend Park. He proposed that Irishtown Stadium should manifest a plan to extend the astro training area so that there is enough room for young football teams to train, as opposed to focusing on letting the training area to corporate teams. The manager stated that, “a meeting has been arranged with the Councillor for the near future where this issue can be discussed”.
Cllr Claire Byrne (GP) called on the area manager to look into upgrading bin storage facilities to a more secure means of storing waste on the streets in areas where, currently, bin bags are only used. She added that this would “reduce litter, rodents and seagulls in the city”. The response to this motion was “Dublin City Council would support the examination of the introduction of communal bin usage in suitable areas where bags are used. However, as waste collection is carried out by authorised waste collectors operating in an open and competitive market and is not provided by Dublin City Council, it is not a measure that can be introduced by the City Council in isolation”. They stated that residents would have to independently contact a waste collection provider to see if they would agree to setting up and maintaining a secure waste storage unit. They also stated that “It would not be of benefit for both communal bins and bags to be used in a pilot area. It is suggested that a pilot or test of such a proposal would require the agreement and cooperation of 100% of householders or residents currently availing of a bag collection on a particular street or area”.
A question was raised by Cllr Frank Kennedy (FF) regarding the flood defences along Sandymount Strand. He asked the manager for a report on a definite date for when the sea wall will be raised along the strand for flood prevention. He also called on the manager to include each section of the wall in the report. The reply he received was as follows: “Planning permission for works to the existing old sea wall adjacent to the roadside footpath was procured last year. Planning permission for proposed flood alleviation works around the Sandymount Martello Tower is due to go out to Part 8 public consultation next month. Once this is acquired, construction works can start within a few weeks, programmed in Q.3 2019”.
The promenade section along the strand was also addressed. They stated that “assuming all planning conditions are met, procurement of a contractor can commence with the earliest construction date likely to be 2022 – 2023”.
Cllr Paddy McCartan (FG) asked if the pavement on Morehampton Lane Donnybrook could be resurfaced, as building works have now been completed. Following correspondence with a constituent, Cllr. McCartan asked the council for an update on the Dodder Bridge Proposal. The constituent raised a concern with Cllr. McCarton with regards to adequate occupancy of the space on and around the bridge. He asked the Cllr. to specifically highlight that proper public landscaping should be employed, such as tree planting and high-quality pavements that are well lit, to avoid “dead zones” and antisocial behavior. The reply to his question stated that “a repair will be scheduled at this location as soon as possible”.
May 13th SEAC Notes.
The recent proposal to remove trees from Merrion Road for the Bus Connects project was brought to the attention of the council in the May meeting. Cllr. Frank Kennedy (FF) stated that “the committee records its outright rejection of the proposal” to remove the trees. He added that the committee “resolves to write to the National Transport Authority to express its disapproval in this regard”. The reply he received was as follows “If agreed by the committee, the motion will be conveyed to the National Transport Authority, as requested”.
With regards to the new Poolbeg West SDZ developments, Cllr. Claire Byrne (GP) raised the motion that the Area Manager should guarantee that the following aspects are delivered upon; “That there are 900 social and affordable units delivered as agreed by this council (not 875). That all the social and affordable units are built on site. That we work to include a cost rental model as part of the housing mix. That we work with the creative community with regards to the design and delivery of the 40 artists’ studios. That we work with the local and wider community to establish their needs in terms of the 5% community, creative and cultural space. That a committee is set up to deal with the above, with delivering the overall plan and to deal with the issues arising during the development stage”.
The Cllr. received a report stating “The quantum of social and affordable units in the approved SDZ Planning Scheme is 10% social housing plus an additional 15% social and affordable (subject to commercial agreement). Consequently, the final number of social and affordable units delivered depends on the final number of units built. If we assume fully built out capacity of 3,500 units, 25% of this calculates at 875 units. Other conditions of the board may, however, result in some variation to the 3,500 figure due to layout and other modifications, which are yet to be fully determined. The design and layout of individual planning applications will also influence the final number of units.
The location for social and affordable units, whether on site or in close proximity, is a matter for delivery in accordance with modification 3 of An Bord Pleanála’s decision and implementation by the Housing Department as per the Part V legislation.
The housing mix is set out in the Planning Scheme approved by An Bord Pleanála and includes social, social and affordable, and built to rent accommodation. A report is being presented to the May City Council meeting on an Affordable Purchase housing model. A pilot scheme on cost-rental is being prepared for St Michael’s Estate. Following the May meeting further consideration will be given to the most appropriate affordable housing model/s for the city.
Yes, the City Council will work with the local and wider community to establish how the 5% for social community, cultural, creative and artist space will be provided.
The Planning Scheme approved by the City Council and the Board includes an implementation section (Section 12). The Council has an established Docklands office which works with all the Council Departments and other agencies to advance the implementation of both SDZs. In addition the Docklands Oversight Forum has been set up especially to advance the social, physical and economic research of Poolbeg West”.
Cllr. Dermot Lacey (Lab) brought forward the motion that the SEAC completely opposes the demolition of the Markievicz Pool along with the houses and apartments on the same complex. He also stated that the “committee agrees to write to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to confirm our opposition” and proposes that “TII should find another way”. The reply he received confirmed that if the committee should be in agreement, then the motion of opposition would be passed on to the TII.
Cllr. Paddy McCartan (FG) asked the Chief Executive to address filling the potholes along Pembroke Lane in Ballsbridge. The Executive replied, saying that the lane will be put on the DCC’s list of repairs to be carried out.