BY Kathrin Kobus
NewsBrands Ireland invite secondary school students. to submit a piece of journalism concerning the Coronavirus and the impact it is having on their lives and their community. The entry can be either a feature article or an opinion piece.
There are three categories, sorted by school year: Junior – 1st and 2nd year, Intermediate – 3rd and 4th year and Senior – 5th and 6th year.
The winning features will be published in national and local media plus there is the chance to win a €200 gift voucher.
Deadline for the prose features is Wednesday 8th April 2020.
For further information and writing tips go to .
This essay competition is for secondary schools only but Poetry Ireland and the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear hospital are looking for poets from all ages to celebrate Poetry Day 2020. Here the three categories include primary school age group from 8-12, teenagers 13 -17 and the adult group 18+
It is a free poetry competition stands under the broad themes ‘time’ or ‘the body’.
Judges include poets Nuala Watt and Orla Grant-Donoghue.
The submission guidelines are as follows. You can send your entry by email to, with the poem attached as a single Word document or equivalent.
By post to: Poetry Day Ireland Competition Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Adelaide Road Dublin 2
The poetry competition is open until the 14th of April.