Since we all will have to wear a face mask when using public transport from Monday 29th June onwards, it is important to use the mask properly.
Only FFP2 and FFP3 masks with filter and ventil actually do prevent viral infection. That is why these professional masks are needed as part of PPE for medical personal.
The homemade, self made “community masks” do provide protection for the other person you are in contact with and not for yourself.
No matter which mask you put on:
Don’t contaminate the fabric of the mask, neither when putting it on and taking it off again.
Don’t touch the filter bit inside or the outside. Your fingers are close to mouth and nose, exactly at the entry ports for any viruses and germs etc.
The mask must fit skin-tight over mouth and nose.
Don’t pull the mask down with your fingers to have a smoke or sip from tea or coffee.
If the mask gets damp it needs to be replaced immediately.
Handwashing before and after mask set up is necessary.
Put a used, damp mask in an airtight bag and dispose of properly.
If you want to reuse the mask it needs to be washed, cleaned at minimum temperature 60 degree and above. Ironing the mask afterwards is recommended.
Take care and stay safe every one.