Compiled by David Prendeville
A motion was put forward from Councillor Dermot Lacey that the South East Area Committee support the Irish Local Development Network (ILDN) and the trade unions, SIPTU & Forsa, in their opposition to the new model of employment services outlined in Pathways to Work. This model proposes to terminate current Job Clubs and Local Employment Services (LES) by the end of 2021, and to replace the successful 25-year-old community-led and non-profit providers with an untested, unproven centralised profit-driven model of delivery. This motion was agreed.
Cllr Lacey asked the Manager if he would arrange for a good sweep and weed removal on Belmont Avenue, Donnybrook which according to residents has not taken place for many months now. The Manager responded that Waste Management Services had carried out a sweep on Belmont Avenue on the 16th September 2021. Belmont Avenue has previously been scheduled for weed control as part of a list provided to Greentown Environmental for treatment with Foamstream. He said it should be noted that Belmont Villas and Belmont Park are also included for treatment on this list. The work was scheduled for completion by the end of September 2021.
Cllr James Geoghegan asked the Area Manager if he could set out the indicative timeline for the Belmont Avenue traffic proposals and what happens next. The Manager’s reply was that Potential Transport Intervention options are currently in the Public Consultation process on the Dublin City Council’s Consultation Hub. This process commenced on the 13th September 2021 and will last 6 weeks until the 25th October 2021. Once this consultation feedback is processed, the Councillors will be advised on next steps depending on the level of support for these options.
Cllr James Geoghegan asked the Area Manager further to the presentation on the ‘Sandymount Coastal Flood Defence Scheme’ if he could detail what month it is expected that a consultant for Phase 2 shall be appointed; if constructions of flood defences on the existing promenade will commence in October, November or December. The Manager’s response was that it is programmed to procure a consultant for Phase 2 of Sandymount Flood Alleviation Scheme in December 2021. Negotiations are ongoing with the OPW about the availability of their direct labour to construct Sandymount Promenade Flood Defences. Currently January-February 2022 is the earliest possible date.
Cllr Claire Byrne asked the Area Manager if he could outline the reasons for removing safety islands on Sean Moore Road. She said that while she understood this is to facilitate the new cycle route, residents have raised issues regarding pedestrian safety. The Manager responded that as part of the cycle lane works, the two existing pedestrian crossings are being upgraded. The island was removed to make the crossing a straight crossing rather than the previous staggered arrangement which required the pedestrian to cross in two different movements. The cycle lanes either side with separator islands will narrow the road and so help to reduce speed and the time that pedestrians will need to cross the vehicular lanes. In the current temporary arrangement the crossing times for pedestrians has been substantially increased.
Cllr Claire Byrne asked the Area Manager if he could find solutions to address the ongoing issue of graffiti on the wall along the walkway between the Sweepstakes complex and the Dodder. She asked if he would consider a mural here as a way to deter further graffiti. The Manager’s response was that this location may well lend itself to art on an ongoing basis as a legal wall for street artists to paint. However an approach like this would only be undertaken if there is local support for such a measure. He also said the installation of a mural on the length of the wall would be costly and have ongoing maintenance costs for the local authority. A combination of suitable planting and localised murals may be more manageable. The Area Office will arrange for the graffiti along the Dodder walkway to be removed.
Cllr Dermot Lacey asked the Manager if the footpaths at Lea Crescent, Sandymount can be repaired as soon as possible as they are currently in a dangerous condition. The manager said that these footpaths will be inspected. Any defects that are recorded will be added to the Works List for repair.
Cllr Dermot Lacey asked the Manager if he would explore the option of upgrading the current cycle lane route from Ringsend to Pearse Street using a combination of bollards and outside the lane parking as in Fitzwilliam Street. The Manager said that the Covid Mobility Team will assess this area for some rapid deployment safety measures and determine what can be achieved along this route to provide safe protected cycling. In the medium term, Dublin City Council plans to develop the Ringsend to College Green Cycle Scheme between Sean Moore Road and College Green, which will incorporate Bridge Street, Ringsend Road and Pearse Street. The project is currently at the inception stage and will be progressed as resources become available.
Cllr James Geoghegan asked the Area Manager if the footpath surface outside Spar at 54/56 Donnybrook Road could be inspected and resurfaced as it is posing a hazard for pedestrians and shoppers. The Manager said that repairs had been carried out in this location recently. On subsequent inspection, one outstanding defect was recorded. This has been added to the Works List for Repair.
Cllr Paddy McCartan asked the manager to deal with the issue of six sewer lines connected across back gardens on Serpentine Park, Sandymount. The connector to the roadblocks repeatedly gets blocked and residents have to clear this blockage themselves. Cllr McCartan said this issue had been raised by him in the past and he was asking the Area Manager to give it urgent attention. The Manager’s response was that the houses in question are served by a shared drain running along the back gardens of these properties, which turns at No. 24 and heads out into the public road where it connects to the public sewer. Shared drains are private and thus are the responsibility of the properties served to repair and maintain.
Cllr Paddy McCartan asked the manager to respond to an email from a constituent who lives in Sandymount, and who is deeply concerned about rising sea waters due to climate change. The constituent said that he lives only a few metres above sea level and it is getting harder to be insured for house flooding. The insurance premiums are extremely high if one is lucky enough to get an insurance company to insure in this area against flooding. The constituent says he was told flood defence plans were ready to go and still nothing is happening. The constituent says he sees no evidence of flood defences being built. The Manager’s reply was that Construction work on upgrading the Promenade Flood defences is programmed to commence early in 2022 and will take 12 months to construct. Some preliminary works for this project were carried out last year, but were delayed due to COVID 19. Contract documents to procure a consultant to design improved flood defences for the 750m section north of the promenade to Sean Moore Park will be going out to tender this month. This division provides letters of flooding comfort to homeowners for insurance purposes, if required.
Cllr Claire Byrne asked the Area Manager if he can propose some solutions to address the issue of exiting from Stella Gardens on to Irishtown Road which is a frustrating and at times a dangerous experience for the residents. The Manager’s reply was this request will be referred to the Area Engineer for site assessment and report to the Transport Advisory Group for their consideration. The assessment will take place within the next few weeks. However, if recommended, it has to go through the TAG process, which will take a minimum of eight weeks.
Cllr Dermot Lacey asked the Manager if he would arrange for the heavy overgrowth onto the footpath along the Dodder at Beaver Row and on the laneway from Beaver Row to Beech Hill Avenue to be cleared and cut back as it now represents a danger to pedestrians. The Manager said the Road Maintenance Services Division is liaising with the Parks Division to resolve this issue.
Cllr Danny Byrne asked the Manager if the junction at Newbridge Avenue, Tritonville Road and Sandymount Road can be assessed in terms of safety. Byrne said he is informed of weekly accidents at this junction. The Manager said this request will be referred to the Area Engineer for site assessment and report to the Transport Advisory Group for their consideration. The assessment will take place within the next few weeks. However, if recommended, it has to go through the TAG process, which will take a minimum of eight weeks. Cllr Byrne asked the manager if a sign can be provided for the complex at Shelbourne Wharf on Ringsend Road. The manager responded saying that Shelbourne Wharf is a private development and is operated by Tuath Housing. The Docklands Office will make contact with Tuath and ask that they install appropriate signage for the development.