Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre’s (RICC) online radio station was relaunched back in February and has been going strong ever since Top Irish comedian Danny O’Brien provided the laughs in the buildup to the first weekly community news podcast. The podcast goes out every Monday at 12pm – not to be missed.
RICC Radio are delighted to welcome on board Mick Hanley to the team. Mick spent many years on the airwaves at Dublin City FM and has big plans going forward.
Along with Dylan Clayton and Jennifer Gannon, RICC Radio will develop with pride and passion and most importantly, keep our listeners informed and entertained.
On the same day RICC launched their new website www.ricc.ie where there will be Spotify links to all their podcasts, along with news, events and a list of the services and activities provided by the centre. RICC Manager, Lorraine Barry, excitedly exclaimed, “I am over the moon with the development of RICC Radio and very proud of the team we have culminated. Along with our new website, it will help us to further our fabulous community, both here and abroad, especially after a turbulent couple of years.”
NewsFour wishes both ventures the very best of luck.