Mr Tilly’s Christmas lights and Christmas cards raised a massive €20,000 in 2021 for Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services in Harold’s Cross and he would love to give a huge thank you to everyone who supported him: The Bath pub and management, Brian, Stephen and Brendan for their contribution in paying toward the electricity for the lights; Graham Clinton and Patrick Walsh for organising the Christmas cards; and Barry and Dave from Paceprint, Bath Avenue, for printing. Also big thanks to all the local businesses that sold the cards on behalf of Mr Tilly and the hospice, and to everyone involved. A big big thank you to each and every one of you. On a personal note Mr Tilly would also like to give a shout out to his grandson Dean Tilly for all his wonderful help with the lights and all his hard work.
Mr Tilly, you legend, we all thank you so much for all your amazing charity work throughout the years and your acts of kindness and generosity to enhance the comfort and care to all who need it. You are truly inspiring and have made such a difference to so many people’s lives.