Posts Tagged Old Wesley

Old Wesley vs St Marys -Match Review

Old Wesley vs St Marys -Match Review

Old Wesley take bonus point win at Templeville Rd All Ireland League – Old Wesley 41 St. Mary’s 15 Match report by Ken Browne After December’s long overdue victory over St. Mary’s, Old Wesley travelled to Templeville Road expecting a […]

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Philip Orr Elected President of the IRFU

Philip Orr Elected President  of the IRFU

At the Annual Council Meeting of the Irish Rugby Football Union on July 14th, Philip Orr was elected President for the forthcoming season. This is a great honour not just for Philip but for Old Wesley as he follows in […]

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An Taoiseach opens new facilities at Old Wesley

An Taoiseach opens new facilities at Old Wesley

Here in Old Wesley, Donnybrook, we are delighted to be celebrating our 125th anniversary this year, having been founded in 1891. We have just opened our newly-refurbished clubhouse on September 24th, with An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, performing the honours. […]

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