The Dubai Marlins take part in this fun, competitive sport that’s suitable to people of all abilities and ages.
Time is running out to enter the fifth annual Dublin Dragon Boat Regatta!
Supported by Waterways Ireland, the event will be taking place on September 12 and 13, with registration closing next week.
Everyone is welcome to try out this ancient Chinese sport, as the Irish Dragon Boat Association’s Chairperson, Julie Doyle points out: “Dragon boat racing is not only a competitive sport, it is also very sociable and great fun too. No experience is required and the regatta is open to people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. So, there’s no excuse not to give it a go!”
Teams will compete over 200 and 400 metres in a number of different categories, including Under 18s, Novice Challenge and an International race, which will see teams coming from America, Australia, the UK, Germany and Italy.
The Regatta will feature Ireland’s first dragon boat team, the Plurabelle Paddlers, who train in Grand Canal Dock. Competing in the Breast Cancer category against some of the growing number of teams from Ireland, the team are looking forward to co-hosting the colourful event with Waterways Ireland, as member Marian O’Dea said: “It’s always a hectic couple of days, but we really enjoy co-hosting the regatta and welcoming both experienced and novice teams to our training ground. It’s great to see work colleagues, school friends, and extended families entering teams and getting involved. Teams can choose to raise funds for a chosen charity or even turn up in fancy dress; we have a prize for the wackiest team outfit!”
You have just over a week to enter, with registration closing next Friday, August 29. Each team consists of 16 to 20 people and it costs €425 for a team of adults, and €255 for an under 18s team. To get your form, send and email to info@dragonboat.ie.
By Aimée Mac Leod