ActionAid Yoga Weekend will raise money for post-earthquake aid in Nepal.
Photo: Nirmal Dulal on Wikimedia Commons.
One year on from the Nepal Earthquake, rebuilding and recovery efforts are still ongoing. Ireland will contribute to the cause on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of June, the ActionAid “Yoga Weekend 2016”.
Over 30 yoga and pilates studios across the country will hold classes and fundraisers over the course of the weekend, with the money raised being donated to ActionAid Ireland. The primary focus of this year’s fundraising is the building of a childcare centre in Nepal, which can significantly impact the lives of women and children in the country.
This is the second ActionAid Yoga Weekend, with the first taking place last year. Over 20 yoga centres and teachers helped to raise €8,170 for emergency response in Nepal after the devastation caused by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake.
Residents of Dublin 4 will not have to travel far to play their part, with a fundraiser taking place on Saturday June 18th at 11am in the Yoga Room on Merrion Road.
ActionAid has been working in Nepal for more than 30 years and responded immediately when the earthquake struck, helping more than 118,000 by providing them with food, blankets, temporary shelters etc.
By Kevin Carney