Image provided by Railway Union.
Every Sunday for the next month, Railway Union Hockey Club will play host to Social Summer Hockey.
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Learn about and Protect the Local Bat Habitat
Dublin City Council will host Bat Conservation Ireland’s Bat Talk and Walk in Herbert Park, Ballsbridge on Thursday July 14th. It will run from 8.30pm to 10.30pm.
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Brendan Carr performs Casting of the Spear
On Monday July 11th, Lord Mayor of Dublin and newly invested Honorary Admiral of Dublin Port Brendan Carr re-enacted of the Casting of the Spear.
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Council’s Sandymount Coastal Defence Scheme
Dublin City Council has set up plans to repair the damage caused by flooding of the coastline between Sean Moore Park and Merrion Gates. The flooded areas were analysed and solutions are being put into effect to reduce the risk of flooding in the future.
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The Cinema Corner – July 14th
The Manson murders added a sinister punctuation mark to the end of the hippy era, and subsequently an interest in the darker side of paganism became predominant in the 1970s.
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