Picture courtesy of Brendan Mc Coy
Bath Avenue Medical Centre Open Day was held on Tuesday June 13th.
It included free BMI Assessments, Blood Sugar Levels testing, Physiotherapy Assessments with Z10 Physiotherapy, Heart Rhythm Check, and Skin Assessments with Renew Aesthetic Clinic.
Thank you to everyone who visited us on our Open Day. We would also like to thank our neighbours Juniors , O’Connor’s Pharmacy, Slattery’s, Lotts&co, Paceprint, Liam Behan, Ballsbridge Gallery, The Food Game, the Scout’s Den and Spar. A special thank you to Joe McCann from Bath Avenue & District Residents Association .
Winners of our draw for €200 Vouchers for Renew Aesthetic Clinic, Z10 Physiotherapy and a Comprehensive Health Screen are announced on their Facebook page.
by Denise Brannick