Openings at NewsFour


We are a local community newspaper that has serviced the Dublin 4 area for more than 30 years and currently have a number of vacancies.


Title: Journalist/Researcher

Quote Job ref: CES 2067016

Exp date: 24/April/2018


Title: Community Photographer

Quote Job ref: CES 2069842

Exp date: 27/April/2018


Title: Accounts / Admin Assistant

Quote Job ref: CES 2069839

Exp date: 04/May/2018


Title: Cleaner/Maintenance

Quote Job ref: CES 2067017

Exp date: 24/April/2018


Each position is based in Dublin 4 and consists of a 19.5 hour working week.

How to apply: Contact your local social welfare office to check your eligibility for referral.

Please also email to express your interest in the position and we will send you further details regarding the application process.