Photograph Kathrin Kobus
By Kathrin Kobus
The Sandymount Wheelers, a small social group of cycling enthusiasts have been around for a while and after the winter months it is time to get the two-wheelers back out on the road for some group trips at the weekends.
Their new tops match the blue colours of the foodie outlet which supports them. The tight-fitting tops arrived just in time for the inaugural journey out to Howth on Sunday March 24th.
A burger even as delicious as one from BuJo or the breakfast sandwich might not be everyone’s nutritional blast before a cycling trip, so the foodie outlet will in the future be adding a healthy and sporty choice to the weekend’s breakfast menu.
Porridge or Bircher Muesli (that’s overnight oats) will soon be found on an updated menu. You will be able to add to a bowl of porridge from a variety of fruits, seeds, nuts or whatever your favourite fuel is for a bike tour. Some breakfast is clearly needed even if it’s only the rather short nearly 40 kilometres trip to Howth.
The idea for the Sandymount Wheelers sprang from Thomas Davy, looking for like-minded neighbours and friends to get cycling together. Word by mouth quickly spread. Now the group has nearly forty members. Joining is uncomplicated – just contact Thomas Davy (details below).
The decisions to find the next destination are taken “during the later stages of the week, plans are hatched on Whatsapp and then those free and willing just meet at Bujo on a Saturday or Sunday morning.”
It’s fairly uncomplicated and works like this: usually, just around noon, the group will head off “towards either Wicklow or North Country Dublin.” Occasionally, the tour can stretch for 120km up to Sally Gap and on to Enniskerry. The group, or at least some of the members, also support charity cycling events for The Peter McVerry Trust like the Wexford cycle or travel with the bike as luggage to events in France.
Once the Wheelers are on their way, the meeting place in BuJo gets busy, with families or groups in club colours from various sports organisations in the area. They turn up with or without gear as in hockey sticks, rugby balls or hurleys. Please change out of studded boots before entering and don’t practise hurling or hockey while waiting for your order of burger, chips, shakes etc.
Otherwise, the atmosphere at the eaterie doesn’t require suit and tie, casual look is fine. If you are interested in joining up with the Sandymount Wheelers, Thomas Davy would like to know in advance, just give him a call on 087 28 30 331. Then bring your bike up to BuJo’s and get cycling fit.