By Geneva Pattison
The largest art fair in Ireland made a welcome return to Dublin from the 15th to the 17th of November in the RDS. Art Source featured work from 200 professional artists and galleries, from both Irish and international exhibitors. There were artworks in many different mediums on show including sculpture, paintings, print, ceramics, photography and illustration. These were available for purchase by the public during the three-day event.
A wonderful aspect of this event was the fact that you got to buy work directly from the artist or gallery representative. This gave you a chance to have a conversation about the inspiration behind a piece of art.
Whether you’re drawn to the abstract pieces or a more classical style of painting, the entire fair represented art in motion. We’re talking and thinking about art but more importantly, Art Source was promoting the idea of making original artwork affordable and accessible to the public.
There was a special initiative called the 100 for €100, which called for the artists to create a bespoke piece of art to sell for €100. If one was interested in entering the world of collecting, this would present an excellent opportunity.
There were a few artists in particular that caught my eye, the first being Ann McKenna. The main themes in her work are inspired by Irish legends and classic fairy tales. The tall, elongated figures in many of her pieces bring a dreamy quality to her paintings and her use of gold leaf creates an air of majesty within her work.
Another artist I’d like to mention is Chris Quinlan, who uses a style of painting similar to Van Gogh. His use of colour is inviting and lively, with undercurrents of yellows and oranges running throughout his art. Even his winter landscape pieces evoke a sense of being warm to the touch through his use of colour and texture.
If you’re interested in checking out some of the artists who were in attendance at the event, visit the featured artists section of the Art Source website.
Art Source is a ticketed event, please visit the website below for ticket prices and further information on the next Dublin dates.