The South East Area Community Development Section in Dublin City Council announced earlier today that due to the seriousness of the Covid 19 Virus situation, responsibility is being placed on all to take steps to protect the most vulnerable in society.

Following meetings here in the South East Area, we have decided that in light of the impact Covid -19 would have on our vulnerable residents, many of our upcoming events should now be considered ‘in doubt’.
This would include our regular Older Persons activities and any other DCC led events where a significant number of attendees are from this cohort. While it is regrettable to take this action, if the virus takes the course seen in other countries it would be prudent to defer or cancel these events.
We are recommending the following main points for all Communities:
(1) All unnecessary and non-essential gatherings and meetings should be postponed for the foreseeable future. Bringing groups of people together now is the main spreading agent of this virus so any coming meetings / gatherings/ events should be considered by your group and postponed.
(2) Similar to the “Cold Weather Strategy” we would ask that all neighbourhoods and communities link in with and support vulnerable and older people in their community. Many may be worried and frightened from a lack of information or poor education, may be worried about accessing fuel, medicine etc. so ensuring to check in, look out for them and assist getting goods and services etc.
(3) SeniorLine has been the national, confidential listening service for older people, run by trained older volunteers since 1998. This peer-to-peer helpline for older people receives in excess of 10,000 calls per year.
The corona virus is a particular threat to older people and subsequently SeniorLine has put in place a number of protocols to support our many older callers from all over Ireland. Any caller, concerned about Covid 19, will receive the most up to date guidance as recommended by Government sources. Good health practice is reinforced at all times. This information is updated daily as the situation changes and is available to each of our volunteers at the phones.
SeniorLine is a FREEPHONE service and our older callers can call free between 10am and 10pm every day of the year on 1800 804591
Facebook: @thirdageireland
Twitter: @thirdageireland
Instagram: @thirdageireland
(4) Please follow the national HSE guidelines attached in the poster here where you can and ensure good hygiene in public places. Please distribute this information as much as possible on social media / local areas etc
(5) One of the challenges we are seeing in communities is panic and lack of common sense. We have a chance to be proactive working together in our local villages and neighbourhoods and respond with reason, rationality, open mindedness and altruism not panic, fear, suspicion, and self-interest.
Stay tuned to national news for all updates and guidelines.
If you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Declan Hayden, Community Development Area Manager