A photography exhibition called ‘Miles of Smiles’ will kick off this month. The exhibit, displaying photographs from journalists and photographers from around the globe, runs at the Irish Aid building, 27-31 Upr O’Connell Street from Thursday August 1st to 31st and will be curated by Spanish photographer, Elena Hermosa.
The event is being organised by the Irish division of Clowns Without Borders (CWB) to celebrate the international division’s 20 years performing for children in war-torn countries.
“It’s a unique exhibition representing Clowns Without Borders work in conflict zones. Photographers and journalists from around the world have taken incredible and touching images during these Clown interventions, capturing great moments of joy. It will do your heart good to see the Miles of Smiles exhibition,” says Colm O’Grady the Artistic Director for CWB Ireland and former D4 resident.
CWB hold small performance shows for children and communities in war-ravaged countries, helping bring a smile during traumatic periods. CWB started in 1993 during the Kosovo War, with the help of a Spanish clown named Tertell Patrona, who was asked by his son to do something to help the kids in Kosovo.
“Everybody loves to laugh, but there is not a lot to laugh about in the situations CWB find themselves in. The kind of work CWB do is called psyhco-social relief. Studies show that verbalising raw and fresh emotional wounds can be re-traumatising so ‘talking through’ therapy doesn’t work with children who are suffering from effects of war, camp living, family and/or social infrastructure breakdown,” says Colm.
Since 2006 CWB International held shows, performed and brought joy and laughter to children in Somalia, Uganda, Lesotho, Nepal, numerous times in South Africa, Palestine and Israel and in our own back yard – Mosney, Ireland. Anyone can get involved in the shows including professional Irish artists, musicians, administrators and psychologists.
For more information see www.cwbireland.com
Images supplied by CWB.
By Liam Cahill