
What change do you want to make? A moment to pause for reflection . . .

What change do you want to make? A moment to pause for reflection . . .

One time a girl told her grandmother she was worried about the future, everything was so confusing and all the mixed messages on social media only made it worse. Her wily grandmother asked her this question: “are you a potato, an egg, or coffee beans?” Puzzled, the girl inquired what she meant.

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Making Sandymount a neurodivergent-friendly area

Making Sandymount a neurodivergent-friendly area

Two and a half years ago parents in Sandymount decided to make their area a place in which differences are celebrated and a place where all children could feel safe and secure. This was and still is particularly important to this group as their children are neurodiverse. For those of us who are not familiar

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Comfort in Words

Comfort in Words

There have been many times in my life where I needed to make an important decision or I was worried or stressed about situations I was going through at the time, and at those times I would have a default mode and without even realising it, I would find myself standing in a book shop. I wanted to put a collection of book

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Irish Girl Guides to Teach Digital Skills to Older People

Irish Girl Guides to Teach Digital Skills to Older People

Vodafone Foundation announces a new partnership with Irish Girl Guides to help close the digital divide between generations. The Irish Girl Guides have become a new charity partner of Vodafone Foundation’s Hi Digital initiative, which brings digital skills, training and support directly to older people across the country.

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Minding your own self

Minding your own self

It is so important to be very careful when we are around children, they absorb all our moods and words, and they deserve to be protected from this. It is their job as children to learn, play, be protected and loved.

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Mental Health Charity publishes list of 10 ways to deal with loneliness

Mental Health Charity publishes list of 10 ways to deal with loneliness

Turn2Me, a National Mental Health Charity, has published a list of ten ways to deal with loneliness. Turn2Me stated that most people feel lonely at some stage of their life, and that it saw an increase in the amount of young people (18 to 24-year-olds) reporting feeling lonely during and after the pandemic.

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Holiday Destinations for Families in Europe

Holiday Destinations for Families in Europe

Growing up, holidays were always my favourite adventure. As I get older I realise how stressful it must have been for my parents bringing three young kids, through a packed airport, boarding the plane and getting us to our resort.

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Walk in My Shoes Transition Year Graduates as Advocates for Mental Health

Walk in My Shoes Transition Year Graduates as Advocates for Mental Health

Eighteen Dublin students (including students from Muckross Park, Donnybrook, Sandford Park School, Ranelagh, and CUS, Leeson Street) joined 122 Transition Year students across Ireland to graduate as Walk in My Shoes mental health ambassadors during a special online ceremony held to celebrate the class of 2022/23.

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Dublin’s Coolest Beer Gardens

Dublin’s Coolest Beer Gardens

With summer rolling in and with it the hot weather, I find myself thinking of a nice beer garden to sit in and soak up the sun with a nice cold drink. I’ve been to a fair few pubs and clubs, however, in my opinion beer gardens are the best for not only the Irish craic but also to catch up with some friends/ family in a nice environment.

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Wetherspoons to open new docklands premises

Wetherspoons to open new docklands premises

British owned establishment, JD Wetherspoons, will be opening another pub in central Dublin next week.

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