CoderDojo star mentor Lauren Boyle and Luke Lawlor at the first D4 CoderDojo.
Pic: Conor McCabe Photography
Learn some 21st century skills with CoderDojo!
The D4 Dojo, sponsored by UPC, is a part of the CoderDojo global movement of clubs aimed at teaching young people how to code using computer languages such as HTML, CSS and Java, and how to create programs, apps, websites, and games.
Over 100 young people between the ages of eight and 18 attended two pilot sessions in Sandymount’s Star of the Sea Parish Hall in July.
UPC Ireland’s Vice President of Legal Services, Grainne McLaughlin said, “UPC is extremely proud to be partnering with CoderDojo. Coding knowhow and experience is becoming an important skill for young people, whether for future jobs or as a basic literacy and problem solving tool, which they use in life. In fact, coding can also be used as a gateway into higher level interest and understanding of computer science – a subject which is currently insufficiently understood and studied by young people across the EU – resulting in a skills shortage in certain EU countries.”
The D4 Dojo is set to return on Saturday the 30th of August. You can find out more by sending an email to coderdojo@upc.ie. More information about the CoderDojo movement is available on their website.
By Aimée Mac Leod