Pic: Enable Ireland
Put on your dancing shoes for Enable Ireland!
Enable Ireland Sandymount Services are recruiting participants for next year’s Strictly Come Dancing fundraiser.
Entrants will receive eight weekly hour long training sessions from a professional dance instructor, a three-hour workshop to introduce them to ballroom salsa, jive and the cha-cha-cha, and a consultation on costumes and makeup, all in the run-up to the final Gala Performance in March 2015, when the Enable Ireland Strictly Come Dancing Champions will be crowned.
Participants will be required to raise €300 and to sell 15 tickets for the Gala Performance at €15 each. Although the event will be taking place in spring 2015, all participants must be signed up before the end of November. To register, or for more information, contact Sean at the Enable Ireland Fundraising Office on (01) 261 5900 or 087 760 9768, or email sscally@enableireland.ie.
By Aimée Mac Leod