Pic: LeinsterLad on Wikimedia Commons
Dublin City Council have organised a Public Meeting to help advise an upcoming Conservation Study of Sandymount Green.
The meeting will endeavour to inform the public of the study’s purpose and methodology, as well as collecting suggestions on the future conservation and management of the Green.
The study will be undertaken by Grade 1 Conservation Architects Howley Hayes, who have completed conservation and repair work on many projects across the country, including Killiney Obelisk, and Dromoland Gazebo and Demesne. A core tenet of their work is that repair and retention of original structures are paramount, and that good care and maintenance can reduce the need for repair.
The meeting will be taking place at 7.30pm on Wednesday the 26th of November in Scoil Mhuire on Gilford Road, Sandymount.
Any comments can be sent to parks@dublincity.ie, marked for the attention of the City Parks Superintendent.
By Aimée Mac Leod
Additional Research by Lara Crowe