St John’s Church, Sandymount
Pic: Fergus Martin
On St. Patrick’s Day 2016, St. John the Evangelist Church on Park Avenue Sandymount will host a special service.
This sung Eucharist will feature music from parts of the Sean Ó Riada Mass setting, with prayers and hymns in both Irish and English.
The service will take place on Thursday 17 March at 11am. All are welcome / fáilte roimh chách.
“Almighty God,
in your providence you chose your servant Patrick
to be the apostle of the Irish people,
to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error
to the true light and knowledge of your Word:
Grant that walking in that light
we may come at last to the light of everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
By Kevin Carney