Archive for December 2012

Do you think the Poolbeg Chimneys should be re-painted?

Do you think the Poolbeg Chimneys should be re-painted?

Frank Chirop – Sandymount “Very often in pictures of Dublin you see the chimneys, they are a landmark. Yes I’d like them to be maintained.” Padraig Thomspon – Ringsend “Yes, they are a landmark and should be used for the

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Discovering Generation V

Discovering Generation V

Most days Adam Lacey, a 22- year-old music and ancient classics student in NUI Maynooth slides out of his bed, knocks on YouTube, and spends his free time between classes watching video blogs. The phenomenon of video blogging (vlogging for short), an art

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Where’s your Teenager

Where’s your Teenager

Residents of the Cambridge Park area in Ringsend have been subjected to eggs, stones and bottles being thrown at their properties by a gang of local youths. One property situated near the entrance to Ringsend Park had its windows cracked

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Transgender Awareness

Transgender Awareness

Last November was Transgender Awareness Month. It’s also been 15 years since Lydia Foy won a High Court ruling obliging the State to put a process in place to legally recognise the acquired gender of transgender people. (They haven’t). And at the opening ceremony

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Speak and Spell was an Expensive 80s Toy

Speak and Spell was an Expensive 80s Toy

As children we all become accustomed to receiving toys that transport us into an alternative universe where rules, and parents, don’t reside. Within this world the social barriers of everyday society also breakaway, leaving children who were once on differing sides of class

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Music Review – Toquiwa

Music Review - Toquiwa

On Friday the 2nd of November I went to see a great band in the Button Factory called Toquiwa who were supporting the Wedding Present. The band was formed in 1998 under the name The Pinky Piglets and they came

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Tis the Season to be Sensible

Tis the Season to be Sensible

We may dream of a white Christmas but, come January, many of us will find our bank accounts in the red. When it comes to sensible spending over the holiday season, we rarely behave like wise men (or women). A recent survey published by the Irish League of Credit Unions

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Tidy Towns

Tidy Towns

You may have noticed over the last year or so that Sandymount has been looking brighter and cleaner and you will be pleased to learn this is the work of the recently formed Sandymount Tidy Towns group. The roots for the Tidy Towns

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Tarzan at 100

Tarzan at 100

By Noel Twamlet In 1912 Edgar Burroughs wrote the first Tarzan story, which makes Tarzan 100 years old. Little did Edgar realise his story would spawn hundreds of novels, comics, cartoons and 89 films. Many fine actors played Tarzan including […]

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Soul Sister – Theatre Review

Soul Sister - Theatre Review

Billie Holiday once said; “Never get involved with a black man in music. He will never succeed like he deserves to and he will take it out on his woman.” A point Ike Turner would go on to horribly illustrate

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